Clash of Iron Organization
Clash of Iron replaces AD43 at the Northeast Arkansas site as an annual non-public, cross-cultural Iron Age event with a new paradigm of operations that transfers ownership of the event to the attendees.
It is the mission of Clash of Iron to provide a living history immersion experience based on the cultures and conditions experienced in Iron Age Europe. This will be done in an environment that demands authenticity and camaraderie between all participants to create an event as close to authentic as safety allows. Clash of Iron will allow us to better understand the cultures our reenactors represent and to improve our understanding of the life and times of Iron Age Europe.
In view of the above, the following procedures and organization are established:
I. Triumvirate (Directorate)
Overall direction of Clash of Iron is the responsibility of a group of three individuals with different domains of interest (referred hereafter as the Triumvirate) which jointly shares authority over the organization’s events, administration, and facilities. The three directors consist of the site landowner and a director each for the Celtic and Roman domains. The directors will be hereafter referred to as Triumvirs.
The Triumvirs jointly make all decisions of the highest importance. All official matters must be discussed with all three Triumvirs participating, either in person or via telephonic or electronic media. All decisions of the Triumvirate must be unanimous to be put into effect. The Triumvirate only is authorized to expend organizational funds, approve or change event dates, approve building projects, cancel any event, or deny the participation or membership of any individual or group.
The Triumvirate may delegate authority and tasks to the Senate and Council, or ask these bodies to give advice or render decisions on certain matters. The Triumvirs may also put matters before the general membership for a vote.
The first Roman and Celtic Triumvirs will be appointed and serve a term ending on the last day of the annual Clash of Iron event in March 2014. Elections for the positions of Roman and Celtic Triumvirs will be held annually at the Clash of Iron events beginning in March 2014. Triumvirs shall serve for a term of one year beginning the day after the annual March event to the end of the subsequent year’s event. Triumvirs may serve an unlimited number of terms.
Candidates for Celtic and the Roman Triumvirs shall each choose a second (understudy) drawn from the Celtic Council and Roman Senate respectively, and announced at the time of the elections. The Triumvir candidate and the second run for office as a slate. The Roman second will have the title of Consul and remain a voting member of the Senate and act as a liaison between the Triumvirate and the Senate; the Celtic second will have the title of Chief Druid and remain a voting member of the Celtic Council and act as a liaison between the Senate and Celtic Council. Each second will assist the Triumvir and keep abreast of every communication and decision made by the Triumvirate, and be thoroughly briefed in their respective Triumvirs plans and intentions, in order to assume their responsibilities and duties in cases where the Triumvir cannot participate due to illness, job conflict, or pressing personal matters. The seconds shall participate in every communication and meetings of the Triumvirs, and will act in an advisory capacity to the Triumvirate, but shall not vote except when standing in for a Triumvir. The seconds shall hold the offices and duties of Secretary and Treasurer for the Clash of Iron Event as assigned by the Triumvirate.
Candidates for a term as Roman Triumvir must either be an incumbent Roman Triumvir or a current member of the Roman Senate. Candidates for Celtic Triumvir must either be an incumbent Celtic Triumvir or a current member of the Celtic Council. Seconds may not run against the Triumvir they serve in the election at the end of their joint term, but must resign at the end of the term and abstain from candidacy for at least one election cycle.
The landowner member of the Triumvirate may veto the candidacy of any person running for the office of Triumvir.
An incumbent Triumvir shall not participate in the discussions, voting, or affairs of the Senate or Council while in office. After leaving office former Triumvirs may return to the Senate or Council, as appropriate, as full voting members if they so desire.
In the event of the resignation or permanent incapacitation of a Celtic or Roman Triumvir the respective second would become the Triumvir and appoint a second; both would serve out the remainder of the term of office. If a Roman Triumvir and the Consul resign at the same time, the remaining Triumvirs shall appoint members from the Roman Senate to serve out the remaining joint term. If a Celtic Triumvir and his Chief Druid resign at the same time, the remaining Triumvirs shall appoint members from the Celtic Council to serve out the remaining term. Failure by a Triumvir and his second to participate in Triumvirate decisions and communications over an extended period shall be considered an effective resignation.
II. Roman Senate
The Roman Senate shall consist of individuals who are primarily affiliated with Roman units, organizations, and impressions and have distinguished themselves by their exceptional contributions to past events held at the Northeast Arkansas Iron Age site, and events held by Clash of Iron.
The initial membership of the Roman Senate will be appointed. From that point on it will be a self regulating and self perpetuating body that will formulate its own rules and modes of conduct.
The senior Senator will hold the title and responsibilities of Praetor. The Praetor will act as speaker or chairman of the Senate, and will conduct meetings, initiate discussions on important matters, and impose order and decorum.
The Senate will act as an advisory board to the Triumvirate. It will both offer its own opinions and suggestions to the Triumvirate as well as render opinions or suggestions on matters as requested by the Triumvirate.
The Senate will have certain responsibilities and concomitant authority delegated to it by the Triumvirate, and may assume over time other responsibilities and authority not prohibited by the Triumvirate or the organization.
The Senate will have its own Internet Curia where it will be able to freely debate all issues and matters of gravitas.
All official votes of the Senate will be taken at the annual event in person at a time and place set by the Praetor.
III. Celtic Council
The Celtic Council shall consist of individuals who are primarily affiliated with Celtic units, organizations, and impressions and have distinguished themselves by their exceptional contributions to past events held at the Northeast Arkansas Iron Age site, and events held by Clash of Iron.
(The responsibilities, structure, and authority of the Celtic Council will parallel that of the Roman Senate but be organized in a manner to be determined by the Celtic Group of participants that is consistent with its culture and history.)
IV. Membership
Any person who attends a Clash of Iron event as a participant and pays the event fee becomes a member. There are no annual membership dues.
Participation of membership in the organization
Beginning with the March 2014 annual event the membership will be able to elect a Triumvir from their respective culture to the directorate. (See section V.)
The membership will be asked to vote on certain matters by the Triumvirate, Senate, or Celtic Council. Voting will be done in person at an assembly at the annual event.
The membership may petition the Triumvirate, Senate, or Celtic Council to effect changes to the organization or conduct of events.
An individual member my petition the Senate or Celtic Council to redress grievances or mediate disputes.
V. Elections of Triumvirs
A. Election of Roman Triumvir
The election of the Roman Triumvir will take place in the late afternoon of the final day of the annual event at an assembly of Roman affiliated members at the tribunal on the drill field.
The Roman Consul will conduct the election proceedings, beginning with a call for all qualified candidates to step up to the tribunal to declare their candidacy and name their second.
The Consul will then ask each Triumviral candidate to address the assembly in turn in an order determined by seniority. The length of each address shall be regulated by a simple water clock to approximately 1/12th of an hour.
At the end of the addresses, the assembly will be instructed to line up before a table and cast their ballots (different colored stones or initials written or scratched on a pot shard or piece of thin wood or other period material) into a pot. Each member gets one vote.
All votes must be cast in person; there will be no absentee or proxy votes.
The Consul will count the ballots in the presence of the candidates and membership to ensure accuracy.
In a case where there is no clear majority in a contest of three or more candidates, a runoff vote between the two candidates with the most votes will be immediately conducted with the process above.
In the case of a tie the winner will be chosen by a drawing of lots.
If a Triumviral election is uncontested, the sole candidate will be acclaimed as Triumvir and given an allotted period of time to address the assembly.
B. Election of Celtic Triumvir
(The election of the Celtic Triumvir will take place in the village in a fair and equitable manner that is consistent with their culture and traditions, in a form to be determined.)
VI. Amendments to the Organizational Document
Amendments to this document may be made by unanimous consensus of the Triumvirate up to the beginning of the annual Clash of Iron event in March 2014.
Beginning with the 2014 annual event and henceforth amendments made by the Triumvirate must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of both the Senate and the Council. At this time and henceforth the Senate and Council may amend the organizational document; such amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of both the Senate and Council and the unanimous approval of the Triumvirate.
The term “Celtic” above refers to any segment of the Clash of Iron membership that portrays any of the indigenous peoples of Europe or the Mediterranean region that historically opposed the spread of ancient Roman culture or its military power, and that normally occupies the Iron Age village during events at the Northeast Arkansas site.
The term “Roman” above refer to any segment of the Clash of Iron membership that portrays any aspect of ancient Roman society or military, including peoples allied or subject to Rome, and that normally occupies the castra and vicus complexes during events at the Northeast Arkansas site.
The Triumvirate is the ultimate governing body of Clash of Iron. They are where the buck stops.
I. Triumvirate (Directorate)
Overall direction of Clash of Iron is the responsibility of a group of three individuals with different domains of interest (referred hereafter as the Triumvirate) which jointly shares authority over the organization’s events, administration, and facilities. The three directors consist of the site landowner and a director each for the Celtic and Roman domains. The directors will be hereafter referred to as Triumvirs.
The Triumvirs jointly make all decisions of the highest importance. All official matters must be discussed with all three Triumvirs participating, either in person or via telephonic or electronic media. All decisions of the Triumvirate must be unanimous to be put into effect. The Triumvirate only is authorized to expend organizational funds, approve or change event dates, approve building projects, cancel any event, or deny the participation or membership of any individual or group.
The Triumvirate may delegate authority and tasks to the Senate and Council, or ask these bodies to give advice or render decisions on certain matters. The Triumvirs may also put matters before the general membership for a vote.
The first Roman and Celtic Triumvirs will be appointed and serve a term ending on the last day of the annual Clash of Iron event in March 2014. Elections for the positions of Roman and Celtic Triumvirs will be held annually at the Clash of Iron events beginning in March 2014. Triumvirs shall serve for a term of one year beginning the day after the annual March event to the end of the subsequent year’s event. Triumvirs may serve an unlimited number of terms.
Candidates for Celtic and the Roman Triumvirs shall each choose a second (understudy) drawn from the Celtic Council and Roman Senate respectively, and announced at the time of the elections. The Triumvir candidate and the second run for office as a slate. The Roman second will have the title of Consul and remain a voting member of the Senate and act as a liaison between the Triumvirate and the Senate; the Celtic second will have the title of Chief Druid and remain a voting member of the Celtic Council and act as a liaison between the Senate and Celtic Council. Each second will assist the Triumvir and keep abreast of every communication and decision made by the Triumvirate, and be thoroughly briefed in their respective Triumvirs plans and intentions, in order to assume their responsibilities and duties in cases where the Triumvir cannot participate due to illness, job conflict, or pressing personal matters. The seconds shall participate in every communication and meetings of the Triumvirs, and will act in an advisory capacity to the Triumvirate, but shall not vote except when standing in for a Triumvir. The seconds shall hold the offices and duties of Secretary and Treasurer for the Clash of Iron Event as assigned by the Triumvirate.
Candidates for a term as Roman Triumvir must either be an incumbent Roman Triumvir or a current member of the Roman Senate. Candidates for Celtic Triumvir must either be an incumbent Celtic Triumvir or a current member of the Celtic Council. Seconds may not run against the Triumvir they serve in the election at the end of their joint term, but must resign at the end of the term and abstain from candidacy for at least one election cycle.
The landowner member of the Triumvirate may veto the candidacy of any person running for the office of Triumvir.
An incumbent Triumvir shall not participate in the discussions, voting, or affairs of the Senate or Council while in office. After leaving office former Triumvirs may return to the Senate or Council, as appropriate, as full voting members if they so desire.
In the event of the resignation or permanent incapacitation of a Celtic or Roman Triumvir the respective second would become the Triumvir and appoint a second; both would serve out the remainder of the term of office. If a Roman Triumvir and the Consul resign at the same time, the remaining Triumvirs shall appoint members from the Roman Senate to serve out the remaining joint term. If a Celtic Triumvir and his Chief Druid resign at the same time, the remaining Triumvirs shall appoint members from the Celtic Council to serve out the remaining term. Failure by a Triumvir and his second to participate in Triumvirate decisions and communications over an extended period shall be considered an effective resignation.
V. Elections of Triumvirs
A. Election of Roman Triumvir
The election of the Roman Triumvir will take place in the late afternoon of the final day of the annual event at an assembly of Roman affiliated members at the tribunal on the drill field.
The Roman Consul will conduct the election proceedings, beginning with a call for all qualified candidates to step up to the tribunal to declare their candidacy and name their second.
The Consul will then ask each Triumviral candidate to address the assembly in turn in an order determined by seniority. The length of each address shall be regulated by a simple water clock to approximately 1/12th of an hour.
At the end of the addresses, the assembly will be instructed to line up before a table and cast their ballots (different colored stones or initials written or scratched on a pot shard or piece of thin wood or other period material) into a pot. Each member gets one vote.
All votes must be cast in person; there will be no absentee or proxy votes.
The Consul will count the ballots in the presence of the candidates and membership to ensure accuracy.
In a case where there is no clear majority in a contest of three or more candidates, a runoff vote between the two candidates with the most votes will be immediately conducted with the process above.
In the case of a tie the winner will be chosen by a drawing of lots.
If a Triumviral election is uncontested, the sole candidate will be acclaimed as Triumvir and given an allotted period of time to address the assembly.
B. Election of Celtic Triumvir
(The election of the Celtic Triumvir will take place in the village in a fair and equitable manner that is consistent with their culture and traditions, in a form to be determined.)
The Roman Senate
The Senate is not a post for dressing up and looking pretty! These are the working stiffs who have attended regularly and contributed to the event. Initially the senate will be filled by invitation, but ultimately it will set its own rules for membership. It will take work and thinking!!! Not just a Toga!
II. Roman Senate
The Roman Senate shall consist of individuals who are primarily affiliated with Roman units, organizations, and impressions and have distinguished themselves by their exceptional contributions to past events held at the Northeast Arkansas Iron Age site, and events held by Clash of Iron.
The initial membership of the Roman Senate will be appointed. From that point on it will be a self regulating and self perpetuating body that will formulate its own rules and modes of conduct.
The senior Senator will hold the title and responsibilities of Praetor. The Praetor will act as speaker or chairman of the Senate, and will conduct meetings, initiate discussions on important matters, and impose order and decorum.
The Senate will act as an advisory board to the Triumvirate. It will both offer its own opinions and suggestions to the Triumvirate as well as render opinions or suggestions on matters as requested by the Triumvirate.
The Senate will have certain responsibilities and concomitant authority delegated to it by the Triumvirate, and may assume over time other responsibilities and authority not prohibited by the Triumvirate or the organization.
The Senate will have its own Internet Curia where it will be able to freely debate all issues and matters of gravitas.
All official votes of the Senate will be taken at the annual event in person at a time and place set by the Praetor.
The Council Of Celtic Chieftains
The Celtic Council is the Celtic equivalent of the Roman Senate with equal voice in the future of the Clash Site. Again this is not a spot for looking pretty, it involves work and planning! Same qualifications as the Senate.
III. Celtic Council
The Celtic Council shall consist of individuals who are primarily affiliated with Celtic units, organizations, and impressions and have distinguished themselves by their exceptional contributions to past events held at the Northeast Arkansas Iron Age site, and events held by Clash of Iron.
(The responsibilities, structure, and authority of the Celtic Council will parallel that of the Roman Senate but be organized in a manner to be determined by the Celtic Group of participants that is consistent with its culture and history.)
Communication for events and related topics. (Yahoo, Facebook, and any other future communications system)
FORUM Rules:
1. All conversation will be kept civil and no flaming or insulting (beyond good natured "immersion" comments) will be tolerated. We are at heart all like minded people with opinions. Feel free to present them, nicely, but do not berate or insult others with different opinions.
2. All members must register with their proper Mundane/Real name and Organization, Group, or legion info clearly displayed. Email addresses may not be hidden. For example: Rusty Myers, LEGIO VI FFC, Justuslonginus@aol.com
3. Members are only allowed ONE active account on each forum (no duplicate registrations please!)
4. Members may register for the ROMAN or CELTIC group, but not both without moderator approval. These are generally intended to be private discussion groups for the two sides, and spying is not allowed! Again real names are required. You can sign your posts in Character, but your group name should be your real name or commonly used monicker for those loath to use their real last name.
5. As a courtesy, please endeavor to remove the "email tail" that happens with Yahoo groups.
6. Violations of these rules will result in one of the following. This is not a graduated system... a bad enough first violation can get you removed:
Emailed request to correct
Emailed warning to correct
Removal of Post/Response
Moderation of future posts for identifiable period
Moderation in perpetuity
Removal of Account
These rules are not intended to sound harsh, but are proven necessary by things that have occurred in the past both here and on other sites. Please honor the rules and comply with requests from any moderator in a timely and polite fashion.
Any person who attends a Clash of Iron event as a participant and pays the event fee becomes a member. There are no annual membership dues.
Participation of membership in the organization
Beginning with the March 2014 annual event the membership will be able to elect a Triumvir from their respective culture to the directorate. (See section V.)
The membership will be asked to vote on certain matters by the Triumvirate, Senate, or Celtic Council. Voting will be done in person at an assembly at the annual event.
The membership may petition the Triumvirate, Senate, or Celtic Council to effect changes to the organization or conduct of events.
An individual member my petition the Senate or Celtic Council to redress grievances or mediate disputes.