Drill Manuals, Audio Files, and Bugle Calls
THe days of arriving and having no knowledge of drill are fading.
Abbreviated Commands from the Ludus Militis Tactica
Reverte! (Reh WayR Tay!) As you were! or, Revert to Original Position
State! (STah Tay!) Stand Fast! (or Rest in Place)
Silentium! (silence) Mandata Captate! (See LeN Tih uM! MahN Dah Tah / Kap Tah Tay!) Silence! Attention to Orders.
Captate! (Kap Tah Tay!) Attention!
Arma , Portate! (AR MaH / PoR Tah Tay!) Carry Arms!
Arma , Demittite! (AR Mah / Deh MiT Tih Tay!) Order Arms!
Signum Demittite! (SeeG Num / Deh MiT Tih Tay!) Leave the Standard!
Ad Contum, Clina! (Ahd / KahN TooM / Klee Nah Tay!) To the Spear, Face!
Redi! (Ray Dee!) Return!
Ad Scutum , Clina! (Ahd / Skoo Tum / Klee Nah Tay!) To the Shield, Face!
Transforma! (Trans For Mah! ) About Face!
Oblique Ad Contum [Scutum] , Clina! (o Blee Kway / ahD / KahN TuM [Skoo TuM] / Klee Nah Tay!) Right [Left] Oblique, Face!
Move Ad Scutum! (Moe way / ahD / Skoo Tum! ) Move Toward the Shield!
Move Ad Contum! (Moe way / ahD / KoN TooM!) Move Toward the Spear!
Cede! (Kay Day!) Give Way!
Ad Duo. Exi! (ahD / Dew oh , eKS ee!) To Two Ranks, File Out!
Ad Quattuor. Intra! (ahD / Kwat Too oRR. eeN TRaH!) To Four Ranks. File In!
Ad Octo. Intra! (ahD / oK Toh. eeN TRaH!) To Eight Ranks. File In!
Ad Quattuor. Exi! (ahD / Kwat Too oRR. eKS ee!) To Four Ranks. File Out!
Ad Arma! (Ahd / AR MaH!) Ad Signum! (ahD / SeeG Num)To Arms! To the Standard!
Dirige Frontem! (Dee Ree Gay / FRoNT eM!) Dress the Front!
Arma , Demittite! (AR Mah / Day MiT Teh Tay!) Order Arms!
Ad Quattuor. Ad Signum! (ahD / KwaT Too oR. ahD / SeeG Num) To Four. To the Standard!
Arma , Demittite! (AR Mah / Deh MiT Teh Tay!) Order Arms!
Dirige Frontem! (Dee Ree Gay / FRoNT eM!) Dress the Front!
iunge! (YooN Gay!) Close Up!
Largi! (LahR Gee!) Open Up!
Ad Latus , Stringe! (ahD / Lah Tus , STRiNG Gay!) By Flank, Draw In!
Largi ad Ambas Partes! (LahR Gee ahD / AM BahS / PaR TayS!) Open Up to Both Sides!
Arma, Portate! Carry Arms
Ad Contum [Scutum], Clina! To the Spear [Shield], Face!
Signum ad Frontem! Standard to the Front!
Movete! (Moe way Tay!) March!
Gradum , Servate! (GrahD uM , SeR wah Tay!) Keep the [Miliary] Step!
Plenum Gradum , Servate! (PLeN um / GRah Doom, SeR wah Tay!) Keep the Full Step!
State! (STah Tay!) Halt.
Celerate! (KeLL eR ah Tay!) Speed up!
Tardate! (Tar Dah Tay!) Slow Down!
Ordinem , Servate! (oRR Dih NeM, SeR wah Tay!) Maintain Formation!
Signum , Sequute! (SeeG NuM , Seh Qoo Tay!) Follow the Standard!
Transforma! Movete! (TRahNS FoR Mah Tay! Moe way Tay!) About Face. March!
Ad Contum [Scutum] Clina. Move! (ahD / KoN TuM [Skoo TuM] / KLeeN ah. Moe way!) To the Spear [Shield] Face. Move!
State! Redi! (STah Tay! Ray Dee!) Halt! Return!
Ad Contum Oblique [Scutum] Clina , Movete! (ahD / KoN TuM [Skoo Tum] / KLeeN ah, Moe way Tay!) Obliquely to the Spear [Shield], March!
Ad Contum [Scutum] , Deponete! (ahd KoN Tum [Skoo TuM] , Deh PoNe eh Tay!) To the Spear [Shield], Change Front! (by ranks)
Movete! March!
Dirige, Frontem! Dress the Front!
Ad Contum [Scutum], Clina! Move! To the Spear (Shield), Face! Move!
State! Redi! Halt. Return!
Transmutate! (TRanS Moo Tah Tay!) Countermarch by Files!
Ad Signum. Deponete! To the Standard. Change Front by Files!
iunge! Close Order!
Largi! (LahR Gee!) Open Order!
Ad Latus , Stringe! By Flank, Draw In!
Largi ad Ambas Partes! Open Up to Both Sides!
Ad Contum [Scutum], iunge! To the Right [Left] Flank, Close Order!
Ad Scutum [Contum], Largi! To the Left [Right] Flank, Open Order!
Ad Contum [Scutum] Clina, Movete! Toward the Spear (Shield) March!
Reverte! Return!
Dirige Frontem! Dress the Front!
Ad Contum [Scutum], Deponete! To the Spear [Shield], Change Front by Files!, or Flank Turn!
Move ad Contum Incline to the Right (by formation)
Move ad Scutum Incline to the Left (by formation)
Ad Contum Depone. Movete! To the Spear, Change Front! (by formation) March!
Undique , Servate! (ooN Dee Kwa / SeR Wah Tay!) To All Sides, Guard!
Ad Testudinem! (ahD / Tes Too Dih NeM) To the Testudo!
Tela! (Tay Lah!) Incoming Missiles!
Pila , Parati! (Pee Lah / PahR ah Tee) Prepare Pila!\
Pila Mittite (return pila)
Pila Iacite (Throw Pila)
Primus! Secundus! Tertius! Quartus! First Rank! Second Rank! Third Rank! Fourth Rank! (to throw by ranks)
Vos Servate! Guard (raise Scutum to Battle Position)
Gladium Stringate Draw Sword
Gladium Recondite Sheath Sword!
Percute! (pehR Kew Tay!) Charge!
Sta/State stop
Based on the new Ludus Militis Tactica, these calls will be used at Clash of Iron as well as events that utilize the Tactica. They have been kept very simple, utilizing 3 pitches so almost anyone can learn to play them. The pitches are high, medium, and low (Hi C, G, C on the staff). Most are stand alone calls that are repeated three times, however, Movete, State, and Clinate/Deponite calls (and their relevant facings) are only played one time. For more detailed explanations, see the Tractus Ut Contactus Appendix to the Tactica on www.ludusmilitis.org.
Bugle Calls: Primary Function Secondary Function (if any)
Ad Signa Fall into formation Form up
Ad Aciem Form line
Muta Ordines Change front rank (relieve)
Muta Locum Change all ranks
Tela Missiles incoming
Ad Testudinum Form Testudo
Ad Cuneum* Form Wedge
Centurio* Recall/ Summon the Centurio
Movete March
State (Sta) Halt
Reverte Recall personnel ASAP Cancel previous command
Percuto Charge
Ad Scutum To the Shield (left)
Ad Contum To the Spear (right)
Clinate Facing movement if still Flank turn (if moving)
Depone/Deponite Column turn (open or close order)
Oblique Half Turn Half Face
Transmutate Formation u-turn (follow leader)
Transformate Immediate about turn (if moving) About face (if still)
Signum Sequute Follow the Standard
Ad Arma Alarm To Arms
Distress Send Help
Arma Demittite Order Arms Cease Combat
Demittite Dismissed Retreat
Move Ad Contum Incline/slide to the right
Move Ad Scutum Incline/slide to the left
Servate Signa Guard Mount Formation
*These commands are not in the Tactica at this time, but have been included for future use and so individual units can use the calls for routine drills. They may also represent a needed call that does not corrospond to any drill command.
Note that with the exception of Movete and State, there is no known reference to the actual sound of the Roman Tuba/Cornu calls. Movete was one long note, and State was three short blasts, which we have replicated here. All other calls were made up by us to support the Tactica.
Note that the image loads very slowly! Give it a few seconds. You can click the image to get taken to a printable a 8.5" by 11" by 300 DPI Image. If you need a full size and 1200 DPI copy (this one is 300 DPI resolution) email justuslonginus@aol.com (the 8.5" by 11" by 1200 DPI image is about 4 meg).

Use these files to make your own "Drill Tesserae" fake wax tablet for quick reference during drill!