CLASH Week is the week leading up to the annual CLASH event. While the supporting Legion or group provides manpower to prep the site for the upcoming event, other units that wish to come down early may be tasked with building jobs and long term improvement projects for the site. This could include fort repairs, village improvements, building new buildings, and other projects as approved by the Triumvirate at the recommendation of the Senate.
We will be adding to the fort Walkways. The Chief Engineer George Metz will be running this part of the detail. Several new statues have arrived and must be emplaced, Chief Stonemason Joel Zanni will work this. Additionally we will look at working on a washout on the approach road and engineering a solution, and the metaling of the barracks area is still on our to do list! Treated lumber of pretty much any size will be a great asset! 24" slate stones are what we use for the metalling project. Any materials you can donate will likely be used!
This year we are looking at doing some significant re-plastering, re-painting, and basic maintenance to some existing structures. Please pack some old utility clothes in case you get tasked to paint! Check out the donation list if you need to know what to bring!
Units that participate in CLASH week earn credit towards joining the senate as well as the opportunity to have a lasting impact on the site! Not to mention the fun an memories of actually being a PART of the site forever!
More detail will be announced over the coming months regarding CLASH week. Last year was an absolute blast, and it proves to be a lot of PRE-Fun!! Come in any day, just let us know you are coming!
Volunteers must register in advance to come early for CLASH Week, for planning purposes. Please email justuslonginus@aol.com
Clash Week Tips:
- FOOD: Please be prepared to provide for yourself. While we will eat out a few times and perhaps grill onsite, plan to be self sufficient for most of the pre-event period. A few loaves of bread and olive oil to share with those early, or perhaps a delicacy or two, will be appreciated by everyone. We don't go hungry, but be ready with some munchies as there is no dedicated cooking staff during pre-week.
- Prepare to camp for an extended period. Though we eat out many nights, breakfast and lunch are quick fixes, and bring munchies! Or you can stay in a hotel, but where is the fun in that? There are several hotels about 12 minutes from the site.
- Bring rubber boots or waterproof insulated boots! Its cold, muddy and wet, and it WILL rain at some point! Wellingtons (or SH**Kickers) are vital.
- Bring heavy modern waterproof jacket!
- Tools! We have some, but if there is a specific project, bring the tools you need! Got a tool to donate? Bring it. Got some extra treated wood? Paint (white or barn red)? Stain? Waterproofer? All these are productive and useful to be used at the site. Natural roping and cord is always always appreciated.
- PAINTING: Bring an old crappy set of coveralls for painting and mud daubing!
- LED Lanterns and lights are awesome for early week stuff. We do not camp period all week since we can use the time more efficiently if we allow some modern conviences!!
- hot hand warmers for your sleeping bag!
- Trailers under 6 feet wide can fit in the fort. Larger ones cannot!
- Got a project you would like to do? Let us know. Donated things have to be "Signed" by the group responsible for them!
- It is truly a fun week, but a lot of work!! You will sleep well, with plenty of comrades!
- Don't Miss CLASHWEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017 projects TBA!
You can always plan on light construction. Stucco work on the barracks, painting (bring crap clothes for this). Fort repair work, site and trail clearing.
Donations Needed of these items:
If you have any of these items that are just laying around and not being used and you have a way to get them to the site please bring them. Note that if you are not on set up crew, you can still bring things we can use next year! THANKS!!!
Boards (any size)
Small propane bottles (throw aways)
Tiki torches
Tiki bottles
White outdoor paint
Barn Red outdoor paint
Artist paints (outdoor)
Tea lights
Roman lamps
Celt lamps
Wicks for Tikis or lamps
Celt gear
Roman gear
Celt or Roman specific books
If you have an item you would like to donate that is not on the list, you can contact your Triumvirate leader or contact Carl and Lynn at lnyland870@gmail.com.
Dream List:
These are some of the long term projects we can look to the future for. These are not all pretty new buildings , but the ground basics and things that we believe would improve the site forever. Got ideas? Want to help? Ask!
This document will be added to as needed by the property owner and event leadership. These are projects that either have to be done and need funding, or, have been requested by numerous participants.
1/2 inch water line to Celt area:
The water line will have to run form the main house area to the Celt camp. This is city water just like the Roman area so it will be drinking water. We will need the water pipe and a trench dug to get it there.
Loaner Gear:
we would like to have some Loaner gear for newcomers that may not have everything they need. It would be kept on site and issued for use just for the event.
We would like to set up a historical reference library that could be used during the event. Eventually we would like to see this set up so that anyone could use the books during event. If we go to a week long event some participants may want to use the extra days for research.
This is not an exhaustive lists of projects planned, but folks have asked so we thought we would provide the "dream list" of those things we would like to one day accomplish!